VTS – US Trademark 97482646 of Virtual Tours, LLC

Trademark image

VTS (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97482646) is a United States trademark of Virtual Tours, LLC. The goods and services include: Providing temporary use of a web-based software application for viewing, creating, manipulating and publishing 3D models, digital twins, point clouds and virtual tours; Providing temporary use of a web-based software application for as-built documentation and design/repair of 3D images of buildings, structures and outdoor locations; Providing temporary use of a web-based software application for third parties to tag 3D models with notations and links; Providing temporary use of a web-based software application for gathering measurements, design simulation, floor plans and creating sketches of a 3D model; Providing temporary use of a web-based software application for third parties to tag 3D models of interiors to facilitate review, placement and condition of the facility in 3D; Providing temporary use of a web-based software application for documenting properties for the purpose of evaluation, appraisal, and claims, repairs, estimates, design and renovation; Providing temporary use of a web-based software application for documenting properties for the purpose of renovation, design, testing and construction; Providing temporary use of a web-based software application for third parties to capture and analyze property; Providing temporary use of a web-based software application for documenting properties for the purpose of readiness planning, health and safety, emergency services and asset inventory . The correspondent is MELINDA B. BUURMA of UNIFIED LAW PLLC.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97482646. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Virtual Tours, LLC

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