VIRUSBARRIER – US Trademark 85285811 of Intego S.A.

Trademark image

VIRUSBARRIER (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 85285811) is a United States trademark of Intego S.A.. The goods and services include: Computer utility software; computer software for detection and removal of computer viruses, for management, administration and optimization of computer networks and applications, for analysis of fault and performance of computer networks and applications, for analysis of computer network traffic, for surveillance of computer network traffic and detection of intrusions, for encryption and authentication of data, for software distribution, for software and hardware inventory, for remote access to and control of computer networks, for updating of computer software, for detection and repair of computer software and hardware problems, for privacy of communications and transactions over electronic communications networks, for creation and maintenance of web sites, for crash protection, for compression and expansion of computer files, for recovery of deleted computer files, for development of computer software, for transmittal and retrieval of data and documents, for communications, and for business applications, for transmitting, locating and retrieving documents, executables, files and all others types of information over global computer networks and other computer and communications networks, for synchronizing files stored on different computers; computer software and databases for use in diagnosis, repair and configuration of computers and computer peripherals VIRUS BARRIER . The correspondent is DAVID L. MAY of Nixon Peabody LLP.

This trademark was filed on April 04, 2011 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 85285811. The trademark application was registered on December 20, 2011 as U.S. Trademark Registration 4073444.

Trademark PTO Status History

July 01, 2022 – CANCELLED SEC. 8 (10-YR)/EXPIRED SECTION 9

December 20, 2020 – COURTESY REMINDER – SEC. 8 (10-YR)/SEC. 9 E-MAILED

October 20, 2017 – NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF SEC. 8 & 15 – E-MAILED

October 20, 2017 – REGISTERED – SEC. 8 (6-YR) ACCEPTED & SEC. 15 ACK.


September 27, 2017 – TEAS SECTION 8 & 15 RECEIVED


December 20, 2016 – COURTESY REMINDER – SEC. 8 (6-YR) E-MAILED

View full trademark status information at USPTO

Ownership History

Intego S.A.

Intego S.A.

Intego S.A.

View documents on file at USPTO

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