VERSATILE – US Trademark 97483940 of Pillar Biosciences, Inc.

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VERSATILE (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483940) is a United States trademark of Pillar Biosciences, Inc.. The goods and services include: Downloadable software for discovering combinations of primers for achieving a reaction of interest; downloadable software for determining the optimal combination of primers for achieving a reaction of interest; downloadable software for simulating biological, chemical, and biochemical reactions through the use of artificial intelligence or machine learning; downloadable software that discovers tiling solutions for achieving a reaction of interest, each tiling solution being representative of a different combination of primers, and then determines the optimal tiling solution for achieving the reaction of interest; downloadable software for determining chemistry through the use of artificial intelligence or machine learning; downloadable software for designing primer pools for reactions without the need for laboratory testing; downloadable software for simulating interactions involving nucleic acids and other biological molecules, samples of biological molecules, genes, genomes, nucleotide sequence variants and modifications, all in the fields of scientific research, clinical research, diagnostic research, and diagnostics; downloadable software for bioinformatics; downloadable software for health and wellness assessment, namely, for use in genomic analysis; downloadable software for genetic and bioinformatics analysis; downloadable software for testing deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules for research purposes; downloadable software for testing DNA and RNA molecules for diagnostic purposes; downloadable software for use in the fields of nucleic acid sequencing, genotyping, scientific research, clinical research, diagnostics research, and diagnostics Data processing services for medical, clinical, and scientific purposes; data processing services, namely, analysis of data related to primers to identify those primers that are able to induce a reaction of interest; data processing services, namely, analysis of data related to nucleic acids and other biological molecules, samples of biological molecules, genes, genomes, nucleotide sequence variants and modifications, all in the fields of scientific research, clinical research, diagnostic research, and diagnostics Software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for discovering combinations of primers for achieving a reaction of interest; downloadable software for determining the optimal combination of primers for achieving a reaction of interest; software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for simulating biological, chemical, and biochemical reactions through the use of artificial intelligence or machine learning; software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for discovering tiling solutions for achieving a reaction of interest, each tiling solution being representative of a different combination of primers, and then determining the optimal tiling solution for achieving the reaction of interest; software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for determining chemistry through the use of artificial intelligence or machine learning; software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for designing primer pools for reactions without the need for laboratory testing; software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for simulating interactions involving nucleic acids and other biological molecules, samples of biological molecules, genes, genomes, nucleotide sequence variants and modifications, all in the fields of scientific research, clinical research, diagnostic research, and diagnostics; software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for bioinformatics; software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for health and wellness assessment, namely, for use in genomic analysis; software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for genetic and bioinformatics analysis; software as a service (SaaS), namely, hosting non-downloadable software for use by others for testing deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules for research purposes; downloadable software for testing DNA and RNA molecules for diagnostic purposes; downloadable software for use in the fields of nucleic acid sequencing, genotyping, scientific research, clinical research, diagnostics research, and diagnostics; bioinformatics services, namely, product research and development in the field of bioinformatics; data processing services for medical, clinical, and scientific purposes; developing artificial intelligence algorithms or machine learning algorithms for medical, clinical, and scientific purposes; developing artificial intelligence algorithms or machine learning algorithms for use by others to develop products related to the diagnosis, management, or treatment of disease; consulting relating to research and development of products related to the diagnosis, management, or treatment of disease; providing a service for designing primers on behalf of others; providing a service for designing primers on behalf of healthcare entities, including hospital systems, pharmaceutical companies, and researchers. The correspondent is ANDREW T. PETTIT of PERKINS COIE LLP.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97483940. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Pillar Biosciences, Inc.

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