– US Trademark 97484475 of WOWA Inc.

Trademark image

(U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484475) is a United States trademark of WOWA Inc.. The goods and services include: The mark consists of a geometric style design consisting of four inverted triangles where the triangles are stacked in a staggered manner with two on top of the other two. Real estate consultancy, namely real estate consultancy services related to physical and digital real estate strategy, planning, design, development, land development and construction projects, technology and communications for real estate non-retail investors, corporate users, developers, professional services, contractors, technology companies, and the public sector; Real estate investment consultancy; Financial advisory and consultancy services . The correspondent is MARC E. HANKIN of HANKIN PATENT LAW, APC.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484475. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

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