– US Trademark 97484061 of 3R LIFE SCIENCES CORPORATION

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(U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484061) is a United States trademark of 3R LIFE SCIENCES CORPORATION. The goods and services include: The mark consists of three crescent shapes gradually increasing in size forming the shape of a circle connected to an off-centered vertical line which is connected to a horizontal line at the bottom. Heart assist devices, namely, blood pumps either pneumatically or electrically actuated; ventricular assist devices; kits containing ventricular assist devices, cannulae and pneumatic regulators; vascular access graft implementation tools; instrument cases for use by doctors; cases fitted for medical instruments; surgical clips; heart pacemakers; heart rate monitoring apparatus; medical apparatus and instruments for use in cardiovascular surgery; pulse meters; resuscitation apparatus; scissors for surgery; sphygmotensiometers; arterial blood pressure measuring apparatus; phygmomanometers; stents; surgical apparatus and instruments; surgical implants comprised of artificial materials; surgical cutlery; cannulae; catheters; knives for surgical purposes; medical guidewires . The correspondent is BHARATI BAKSHANI of LADAS & PARRY LLP.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484061. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

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