TREE BURIAL – US Trademark 97484258 of Oversoul Inc.

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TREE BURIAL (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484258) is a United States trademark of Oversoul Inc.. The goods and services include: financial services in the nature of providing payment options for customers in the areas of funeral arrangements and burial services; provision of financing services for afforestation and tree planting; funeral financing services; burial financing services; pre-paid funeral expense services; financial services in the nature of providing payment options for customers in the areas of funeral arrangements and burial services; provision of financing services for afforestation and tree planting; insurance services related to funerary industry; real estate management services; real estate acquisition services; land acquisition services; financing services for cemeteries providing burial information via a website; providing cemetery internment information via a website; funeral services; funeral arrangement services; burial services; conducting funeral services; conducting funeral services; providing cemetery internment information via a website tree planting; Horticultural services, namely, soil conditioning, improvement and maintenance; Afforestation services, namely, converting land to forest by planting trees or their seeds; land conservation services in the area of rewilding land; land management services in the areas of biodiversity, ecology and restoration; Cemetery plot perpetual care services; Cemetery plot beautification and maintenance; provision of land and plots for burial and cremation. The correspondent is SHANTI HUBBARD of ZACH LEVIN PLLC.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484258. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Oversoul Inc.

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