Top Medical Technology Patent – Vascular hole closure device – US7662161

U.S. Patent 7662161 was awarded to Rex Medical L.P. on 2010-02-16 and describes a “Vascular hole closure device.” This patent has been cited 279 times by other U.S. patents which places it in the top 500 cited patents since 2010 according to our law firm research, and makes it of the most innovative medical technology patents in the field of instruments. The abstract states:

A device for closing an aperture in a vessel wall comprising an elongated member having a longitudinal axis and positionable inside the vessel against the internal opening of the aperture. The elongated member has a dimension to prevent egress of fluid through the aperture. A material forms two curved legs having ends positionable external of the vessel. The legs curve in different directions and a retention portion is formed in the material to retain the legs during placement of the elongated member inside the vessel. Link: U.S. Patent 7662161

This patent was originally filed on 2004-05-17 which gives it a processing time of 2101 days, compared to an average processing time of 1909 in the field. Rex Medical L.P. has 152 total patents. The first named inventor is Stephan A. DeFonzo of Wayne, MI. The primary examiner was (Jackie) Tan-Uyen T. Ho.

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