Top Medical Technology Patent – Robotically controlled surgical instruments – US7699835

U.S. Patent 7699835 was awarded to Hansen Medical, Inc. on 2010-04-20 and describes a “Robotically controlled surgical instruments.” This patent has been cited 299 times by other U.S. patents which places it in the top 500 cited patents since 2010 according to our law firm research, and makes it of the most innovative medical technology patents in the field of instruments. The abstract states:

A robotically controlled surgical instrument includes a first jaw and a second jaw used to grasp an item, and a drive mechanism that increases the force applied to the item grasped. The drive mechanism and the jaws can be provided with an accommodating mechanism that allows continued movement of the drive mechanism towards a locked position even after the jaws contact a larger item so that the drive mechanism can move to the locked position when grasping items of different sizes. Link: U.S. Patent 7699835

This patent was originally filed on 2003-11-17 which gives it a processing time of 2346 days, compared to an average processing time of 1760 in the field. Hansen Medical, Inc. has 132 total patents. The first named inventor is Robert E. Ailinger of Norwood, MA. The primary examiner was Pedro Philogene.

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