Top Medical Technology Patent – Platform link wrist mechanism – US7691098

U.S. Patent 7691098 was awarded to Intuitive Surgical, Inc. on 2010-04-06 and describes a “Platform link wrist mechanism.” This patent has been cited 434 times by other U.S. patents which places it in the top 500 cited patents since 2010 according to our law firm research, and makes it of the most innovative medical technology patents in the field of instruments. The abstract states:

The present invention provides a robotic surgical tool for use in a robotic surgical system to perform a surgical operation. The robotic surgical tool includes a wrist mechanism disposed near the distal end of a shaft which connects with an end effector. The wrist mechanism includes a distal member configured to support the end effector, and a plurality of rods extending generally along an axial direction within the shaft and movable generally along this axial direction to adjust the orientation of the distal member with respect to the shaft. Advancement or retraction of a first rod generally along the axial direction tips the base through a first angle. The addition of a second angle allows the distal member to direct the end effector in essentially a compound angle. The robotic surgical tool may also include provisions for roll movement. Link: U.S. Patent 7691098

This patent was originally filed on 2006-05-18 which gives it a processing time of 1419 days, compared to an average processing time of 1933 in the field. Intuitive Surgical, Inc. has 122 total patents. The first named inventor is Daniel T. Wallace of Redwood City, CA. The primary examiner was Henry M Johnson, III.

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