Top Medical Technology Patent – Endoscopic device comprising linear staplers and a video camera on its distal end – US7841503

U.S. Patent 7841503 was awarded to Medigus Ltd. on 2010-11-30 and describes a “Endoscopic device comprising linear staplers and a video camera on its distal end.” This patent has been cited 248 times by other U.S. patents which places it in the top 500 cited patents since 2010 according to our law firm research, and makes it of the most innovative medical technology patents in the field of instruments. The abstract states:

The invention is an endoscopic device comprising an elongated flexible insertion tube, either one or two linear staplers permanently fixed to the distal tip of the flexible insertion tube, and a video camera on the distal tip to provide real time viewing of the stapling site. Each of the linear staplers is adapted to insert one or more rows of staples into tissue held between the stapler jaws. At least one of said staplers comprises a knife blade that is movable parallel to the rows of staples to cut the tissue after staples have been fired. The endoscopic device of the invention can be used in a variety of surgical procedures. Link: U.S. Patent 7841503

This patent was originally filed on 2007-07-09 which gives it a processing time of 1240 days, compared to an average processing time of 1226 in the field. Medigus Ltd. has 21 total patents. The first named inventor is Elazar Sonnenschein of Sheva, Nangarhar. The primary examiner was Brian D Nash.

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