Top IT Methods For Management Patent – Method for video enabled electronic commerce – US7760182

U.S. Patent 7760182 was awarded to on 2010-07-20 and describes a “Method for video enabled electronic commerce.” This patent has been cited 300 times by other U.S. patents which places it in the top 500 cited patents since 2010 according to our law firm research, and makes it of the most innovative it methods for management patents in the field of electrical engineering. The abstract states:

A method is provided for conducting commerce over a network via vision-enabled content. First, content is encoded to convert it into vision-enabled content. Payment is received for vision-enabling the content. Also, a program to decode the vision-enabled content is provided. Finally, the vision-enabled content is sent to a user over a network. The program decodes the vision-enabled content and receives an image of the user. The vision-enabled content may include advertising content, entertainment content, and educational or instructional content. In one embodiment, the program combines the image of the user with the vision-enabled content. In another embodiment, the program utilizes the image of the user to control the vision-enabled content. Link: U.S. Patent 7760182

This patent was originally filed on 2006-08-21 which gives it a processing time of 1429 days, compared to an average processing time of 1685 in the field. has total patents. The first named inventor is Subutai Ahmad of Palo Alto, CA. The primary examiner was Kevin M Nguyen.

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