Top Computer Technology Patent – System and method for controlling the operation of a device by voice commands – US7774204

U.S. Patent 7774204 was awarded to Senomyx, Inc. on 2010-08-10 and describes a “System and method for controlling the operation of a device by voice commands.” This patent has been cited 290 times by other U.S. patents which places it in the top 500 cited patents since 2010 according to our law firm research, and makes it of the most innovative computer technology patents in the field of electrical engineering. The abstract states:

The present invention includes a speech recognition system comprising a light element, a power control switch, the power control switch varying the power delivered to the light element, a controller, a microphone, a speech recognizer coupled to the microphone for recognizing speech input signals and transmitting recognition results to the controller, and a speech synthesizer coupled to the controller for generating synthesized speech, wherein the controller varies the power to the light element in accordance with the recognition results received from the speech recognizer. Embodiments of the invention may alternatively include a low power wake up circuit. In another embodiment, the present invention is a method of controlling a device by voice commands. Link: U.S. Patent 7774204

This patent was originally filed on 2008-07-24 which gives it a processing time of 747 days, compared to an average processing time of 1518 in the field. Senomyx, Inc. has 419 total patents. The first named inventor is Forrest S. Mozer of Berkeley, CA. The primary examiner was Daniel D Abebe.

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