Top Computer Technology Patent – Realtime object tracking system – US7684592

U.S. Patent 7684592 was awarded to Cybernet Systems Corporation on 2010-03-23 and describes a “Realtime object tracking system.” This patent has been cited 311 times by other U.S. patents which places it in the top 500 cited patents since 2010 according to our law firm research, and makes it of the most innovative computer technology patents in the field of electrical engineering. The abstract states:

A real-time computer vision system tracks one or more objects moving in a scene using a target location technique which does not involve searching. The imaging hardware includes a color camera, frame grabber and processor. The software consists of the low-level image grabbing software and a tracking algorithm. The system tracks objects based on the color, motion and/or shape of the object in the image. A color matching function is used to compute three measures of the target’s probable location based on the target color, shape and motion. The method then computes the most probable location of the target using a weighting technique. Once the system is running, a graphical user interface displays the live image from the color camera on the computer screen. The operator can then use the mouse to select a target for tracking. The system will then keep track of the moving target in the scene in real-time. Link: U.S. Patent 7684592

This patent was originally filed on 2008-01-14 which gives it a processing time of 799 days, compared to an average processing time of 1429 in the field. Cybernet Systems Corporation has 48 total patents. The first named inventor is Charles J. Jacobus of Ann Arbor, MI. The primary examiner was Wesley Tucker.

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