Top Computer Technology Patent – Document revisions in a collaborative computing environment – US8566301

U.S. Patent 8566301 was awarded to on 2013-10-22 and describes a “Document revisions in a collaborative computing environment.” This patent has been cited 242 times by other U.S. patents which places it in the top 500 cited patents since 2010 according to our law firm research, and makes it of the most innovative computer technology patents in the field of electrical engineering. The abstract states:

In a collaborative computing environment, a method and system for displaying revisions associated with a hosted electronic document are disclosed. In accordance with the disclosed method and system, select revisions of an electronic document may be displayed to a user as media (e.g. Flash™ animation, QuickTime™, MPEG, Windows™ Media Video, RealMedia™, DivX™, DHTML, etc.) in which the revisions are animated, recreating a visual history play-back of the evolution of the document. The animation may include an image of each selected revision, morphing into another image of another revision. The animation may be displayed in various orders (e.g. chronologically, by user, etc.) The user may use an application on a client device (e.g. a web-browser, a web-browser with a media plug-in, a media players, etc.) to view the media file and control various properties of the animation playback (e.g. speed, direction, pausing, skipping forward or back, etc.). Link: U.S. Patent 8566301

This patent was originally filed on 2010-08-17 which gives it a processing time of 1162 days, compared to an average processing time of 1072 in the field. has total patents. The first named inventor is Gabriel Jakobson of Alamo, CA. The primary examiner was Aleksandr Kerzhner.

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