Top Computer Technology Patent – Custom entities and fields in a multi-tenant database system – US7779039

U.S. Patent 7779039 was awarded to, inc. on 2010-08-17 and describes a “Custom entities and fields in a multi-tenant database system.” This patent has been cited 357 times by other U.S. patents which places it in the top 500 cited patents since 2010 according to our law firm research, and makes it of the most innovative computer technology patents in the field of electrical engineering. The abstract states:

Systems and methods for hosting variable schema data such as dynamic tables and columns in a fixed physical database schema. Standard objects, such as tables are provided for use by multiple tenants or organizations in a multi-tenant database system. Each organization may add or define custom fields for inclusion in a standard object. Custom fields for multiple tenants are stored in a single field within the object data structure, and this single field may contain different data types for each tenant. Indexing columns are also provided, wherein a tenant may designate a field for indexing. Data values for designated fields are copied to an index column, and each index column may include multiple data types. Each organization may also define custom objects including custom fields and indexing columns. Custom objects for multiple tenants are stored in a single custom object data structure. The primary key values for the single custom object table are globally unique, but also include an object-specific identifier which may be re-used among different entities. Link: U.S. Patent 7779039

This patent was originally filed on 2004-04-02 which gives it a processing time of 2328 days, compared to an average processing time of 2366 in the field., inc. has 1061 total patents. The first named inventor is Craig David Weissman of SF, CA. The primary examiner was Khanh B Pham.

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