THE GOLF SHOP RADIO SHOW (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484026) is a United States trademark of Golf Shop Radio, Inc.. The goods and services include: Educational and entertainment services, namely, a continuing program about golf accessible by means of radio and the internet; Entertainment services, namely, an ongoing series featuring golf provided through radio broadcasts and podcasts; Entertainment services, namely, providing an ongoing radio program in the field of golf The mark consists of the literal element “the GOLF SHOP” in green, where the word “the” is above the “G” and “O” in “GOLF” and where the literal element “radio show” is in black and located below the “HOP” in “SHOP.” To the right of the word “the” is a white golf ball with the characteristic of a human head, round like a golf ball, nearly in profile, where the skin has gray dimples like a golf ball, and the golf ball has two blue eyes, two black eyebrows, a nose, an open mouth with a full set of teeth and a red tongue hanging out to the right side of the face, and where the golf ball face is wearing a radio headset with an extended antenna with the initials “TGS” in green stamped on it, and where the golf ball face is facing an extended microphone. The color(s) white, gray, blue, black, red, and green is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.. The correspondent is RICHARD M. MCDERMOTT of MCDERMOTT IP LAW.
This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484026. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.
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Ownership History
Golf Shop Radio, Inc.
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