Navigating the complex world of IP law

Segment.IO, Inc. vs. Demographics Pro, Inc. – Trademark Opposition TTAB Proceeding 91282069

This Opposition was filed at the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) on November 29, 2022 and assigned serial number 91282069 by the TTAB. Plaintiff: Segment.IO, Inc. represented by VIJAY K. TOKE of RIMON PC. Trademark Information: SEGMENT – US Trademark Serial Number 86568810View Trademark Status at USPTOView Trademark Documents at USPTO Defendant: Demographics…
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In re Galil Importing Corporation – Trademark Ex Parte Appeal TTAB Proceeding 88786450

This Ex Parte Appeal was filed at the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) on June 01, 2021 and assigned serial number 88786450 by the TTAB. Plaintiff: Galil Importing Corporation represented by DAVID I. GREENBAUM of RIMON, PC. Trademark Information: SOHO SWEET – US Trademark Serial Number 88786450View Trademark Status at USPTOView Trademark Documents…
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SEGMENT.IO, INC. vs. Demographics Pro, Inc. – Trademark Extension of Time TTAB Proceeding 90887958

This Extension of Time was filed at the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) on August 31, 2022 and assigned serial number 90887958 by the TTAB. Plaintiff: SEGMENT.IO, INC. represented by VIJAY K. TOKE of RIMON PC. Defendant: Demographics Pro, Inc. represented by FRASER MENDEL of MENDEL OWENS PS. Trademark Information: SEGMENTPRO – US…
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Cyberman Security, Inc., aka the Cyberhero Adventures: Defenders of The Digital Universe vs. Evolutionary Guidance Media R&D Inc. – Trademark Opposition TTAB Proceeding 91253845

This Opposition was filed at the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) on February 03, 2020 and assigned serial number 91253845 by the TTAB. Plaintiff: Cyberman Security, Inc., aka the Cyberhero Adventures: Defenders of The Digital Universe represented by MAXIM H WALDBAUM of RIMON PC. Trademark Information: THE CYBERHERO ADVENTURES DEFENDERS OF THE DIGITAL…
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Evolutionary Guidance Media R&D Inc. vs. Cyberman Security, LLC AKA The CyberHero Adventures: Defenders of the Digital Universe – Trademark Opposition TTAB Proceeding 91249427

This Opposition was filed at the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) on July 11, 2019 and assigned serial number 91249427 by the TTAB. Plaintiff: Evolutionary Guidance Media R&D Inc. represented by MEREDITH LOWRY of WRIGHT LINDSEY & JENNINGS LLP. Trademark Information: CYBERHERO LEAGUE – US Trademark Serial Number 85374322View Trademark Status at USPTOView…
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