SYOTOSOT THROUGH – US Trademark 97484767 of Tanya Dickens

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SYOTOSOT THROUGH (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484767) is a United States trademark of Tanya Dickens. The goods and services include: The mark consists of two eyes; one on the left and one on the right with the word “THROUGH” in all caps in the center, between both eyes. Then beneath this is the acronym “SYOTOSOT” in all caps, in black writing and located in the center. The eye on the left shows a sad emotion and has a black pupil, dark brown iris, light brown eyelid, black lashes, white sclera, a light blue tear and a white glare on the pupil. The word “through” in the center is black and typed in all caps. The eye on the right shows a joyful emotion that makes the eye slightly larger than the one on the left. The right eye has has a black pupil, dark brown iris, light brown eyelid, black lashes, white sclera, and a white glare on the pupil. Pants; Scarves; Socks and stockings; Athletic pants; Baseball caps; Camouflage pants; Cargo pants; Eternity scarves; Head scarves; Infinity scarves; Jogging pants; Lounge pants; Paper shoes used when going through metal detectors to keep feet and socks clean; Shoulder scarves; Silk scarves; Skull caps; Slipper socks; Stretch pants; Sweat pants; T-shirts; Toe socks; Yoga pants; Yoga socks . The correspondent is TANYA DICKENS of ********.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484767. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Tanya Dickens

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