REPUBLIC ASIA – US Trademark 97484046 of OpenDeal Inc.

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REPUBLIC ASIA (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484046) is a United States trademark of OpenDeal Inc.. The goods and services include: Financial services, namely, providing crowd funding investment products in the nature of crowd funding securities; Financial services, namely, business fundraising provided over a computer network such as the Internet; Investment advice in the field of crowd funding securities; Financial services in the nature of an investment security; Crowd funding services in the nature of providing financing from money collected from individuals; Crowdfunding services in the nature of accepting and administering monetary contributions from a group of individuals; Financial investment services in the fields of issuance and provision of crowd funding securities; Crowd funding investment services; Investment consultation; Providing fundraising services for others via a global computer network; Providing an internet website portal in the field of financial transaction and payment processing services; Investment consultation in the fields of conducting regulated offerings of securities by means of distribution of securities to participants using an online platform or digital distribution service, with variable methods of consideration; Crowdfunding services in the nature of providing financing from money collected from individuals; Financial services, namely, business fundraising provided over a computer network such as the Internet; Financial services in the nature of an investment security; Financial advisory and consultancy services, namely, structuring and facilitation of the issuance of securities by means of distribution of securities to participants using an online platform or digital distribution service; Providing an internet website investment portal that enables participating issuers to offer and deliver their securities to others by means of distribution of securities to participants using an online platform or digital distribution service; Financial planning and investment advisory services; Financial services, namely, investment advice, investment management, investment consultation and investment of funds for others, including private and public equity and debt investment services; Investment and securities trading advisory services using multiple mediums and methods including online and offline investment and trading signals, personal, automated, and algorithmic trading; Financial services, namely, investment fund transfer and transaction services using multiple mediums and methods including online and offline investment and trading signals, personal, automated, and algorithmic trading; Management of a capital investment fund; Broker-dealer financial services in the field of securities, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, shares, foreign exchange, currencies, debt instruments, commodities, futures, options, and other derivative products; Financial services, namely, operation and management of hedge funds, commodity pools and other collective investment vehicles, and trading for others of securities, shares, foreign exchange, currencies, debt instruments, commodities, futures, options, and other derivative products; Financial services, namely, proprietary trading in financial instruments, shares, foreign exchange, currencies, debt instruments, commodities, futures, options, and other derivative products in the United States and overseas markets . The correspondent is MARGARITA WALLACH, ESQ. of MCCARTER & ENGLISH, LLP.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484046. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

OpenDeal Inc.

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