ONE OC! – US Trademark 97483476 of Anaheim Real Estate Partners, LLC

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ONE OC! (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483476) is a United States trademark of Anaheim Real Estate Partners, LLC. The goods and services include: Providing entertainment information via a website; arranging and conducting special events for social entertainment purposes; entertainment services in the nature of presenting live musical performances and live theatrical performances; ; rental of facilities and equipment for the production of musical and theatrical productions, namely, performance venues, studios, sets, dressing rooms; providing sports facilities; organization, arranging and conducting of sports competitions; rental of indoor recreational facilities for playing sports, sports training, and group recreation events; providing recreation facilities for shows, music, and other live entertainment performances; combination shopping center and entertainment complex services, namely, provision of entertainment complexes at shopping center venues; providing a community gathering place in the nature of recreation and amusement facilities; providing community space for community gatherings Downloadable mobile applications for searching, accessing and managing directories, databases and maps of mixed use developments, residential developments, shopping centers, retail stores, restaurants, sports and entertainment facilities and centers, and commercial offices; Downloadable mobile applications used for online purchases and reservations at mixed use developments, residential developments, shopping centers, retail stores, restaurants, and sports and entertainment facilities and centers; cell phone and smart device cases; speakers; personal stereos; sunglasses; sunglass cases; decorative magnets; digital signs; digital photo frames; 3D spectacles; cameras tote bags; shopping bags; backpacks; wallets; handbags; shoulder bags; duffle bags; bags for travel; garment bags; collars for animals. The correspondent is SARAH E. BRO of MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY LLP.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97483476. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Anaheim Real Estate Partners, LLC

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