NEXUS ENERGY – US Trademark 97484128 of Nexus Energy Inc.

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NEXUS ENERGY (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484128) is a United States trademark of Nexus Energy Inc.. The goods and services include: Generation of gas and electricity; generation of power; generation of electricity from solar energy; generation of gas and electricity; generation of electricity from wind turbines; wind power generation services; information and advisory services relating to the generation of electricity from solar and wind; providing technical information in the field of power generation Computer programs and computer software for electronic trading of power and natural gas; computer software for electronic trading of power and natural gas; software for providing online trading platform for digital assets; computer programs (downloadable or non-downloadable) for regulating and controlling the distribution or use and storage of electricity and natural gas; computer software for oil and gas reservoir analysis; computer software for the collection of statistical production data for oil and gas field operations Consultancy services relating to the storage and distribution of natural gas energy and electricity; consultancy services relating to the storage and distribution of power and natural gas; Management of Storage and distribution of electricity (power) and natural gas; distribution of natural gas, energy and electricity; management of storage of power units such as batteries; public utility services in the form of natural gas distribution; storage, distribution, and transportation of liquefied natural gas. The correspondent is MITCHELL J. STOCK of BOYLE FREDICKSON, SC.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484128. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Nexus Energy Inc.

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