NEOPOD – US Trademark 97484539 of Achilles Therapeutics UK Limited

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NEOPOD (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484539) is a United States trademark of Achilles Therapeutics UK Limited. The goods and services include: Apparatus and instruments for scientific or research use; laboratory apparatus and instruments; specimen collection devices for scientific or research use; specimen transport containers; laboratory apparatus for storing and testing biological tissue samples for scientific use; apparatus for docking, actuating and controlling a disaggregating tumour collection device for laboratory use; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods Surgical, medical, and veterinary apparatus and instruments; medical and surgical devices for tissue removal and collection; medical apparatus for collecting, storing and transporting biological human and animal samples for further processing and clinical testing, including in the field of oncology; biopsy instruments; medical and surgical devices for biopsy collection; medical devices to facilitate the handling of medical specimens; tumour collection devices; apparatus for docking, actuating and controlling a disaggregating tumour collection device for medical use; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods . The correspondent is REBECCA LIEBOWITZ of VENABLE LLP.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484539. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Achilles Therapeutics UK Limited

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