NAVARIK – US Trademark 77941293 of Navarik Corp.

Trademark image

NAVARIK (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 77941293) is a United States trademark of Navarik Corp.. The goods and services include: Training services in the field of software as a service; providing on-line seminars in the field of software as a service Computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, managing, modifying, processing, generating, transmission, storage, and sharing of data and information; downloadable computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, managing, modifying, processing, generating, transmission, storage, and sharing of data and information Computer consultation services; computer services, namely, acting as application service provider in the fields of knowledge management to host, manage, develop and maintain computer application software for the collection, editing, organizing, managing, modifying, processing, generating, transmission, storage, and sharing of data and information; technical support services to host, manage, develop and maintain computer application software for the collection, editing, organizing, managing, modifying, processing, generating, transmission, storage, and sharing of data and information; consulting services in the field of software as a service; data mining services; data warehousing services; technical support, namely, technical advice related to software as a service, remote administration and management of devices for providing software as a service, and troubleshooting of web services problems; design and development of integrated data collection systems. The correspondent is Melanie J. Seelig of KNOBBE MARTENS OLSON & BEAR LLP.

This trademark was filed on February 22, 2010 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 77941293. The trademark application was registered on July 03, 2012 as U.S. Trademark Registration 4168353.

Trademark PTO Status History

July 01, 2022 – TEAS SECTION 8 & 9 RECEIVED

July 03, 2021 – COURTESY REMINDER – SEC. 8 (10-YR)/SEC. 9 E-MAILED

July 16, 2018 – NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF SEC. 8 & 15 – E-MAILED

July 16, 2018 – REGISTERED – SEC. 8 (6-YR) ACCEPTED & SEC. 15 ACK.


July 03, 2018 – TEAS SECTION 8 & 15 RECEIVED

July 03, 2017 – COURTESY REMINDER – SEC. 8 (6-YR) E-MAILED


View full trademark status information at USPTO

Ownership History

Navarik Corp.

Navarik Corp.

Navarik Corp.

View documents on file at USPTO

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