N8TIVE LIFE ARTISANAL GOODS – US Trademark 97483219 of N8tive Life LLC

Trademark image

N8TIVE LIFE ARTISANAL GOODS (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483219) is a United States trademark of N8tive Life LLC. The goods and services include: The mark consists of The logo is a sea turtle with a vertical infinity symbol in the center of the shell, and the turtle is located in the center of a double band of circles with the company name “N8TIVE LIFE” at the top and the words “ARTISANAL GOODS” at the bottom. The text is curved and centered between the two bands of circles. There are dots at the left and right sides of the two bands of circles, used to divide the upper and lower halves of the circles. * Bath soaps made from melt-and-pour goat’s milk base with various essential oil fragrances * Candles made from soy and paraffin base with various essential oil fragrances * Bracelets and earrings made from glass and stone beads with dstretch cord. The correspondent is N8TIVE LIFE LLC of ********.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97483219. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

N8tive Life LLC

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