JUST ENERGY ENTERTAINMENT – US Trademark 97483218 of Just ENERGY Entertainment LLC

Trademark image

JUST ENERGY ENTERTAINMENT (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483218) is a United States trademark of Just ENERGY Entertainment LLC. The goods and services include: Entertainment services, namely, conducting parties; On-line journals, namely, blogs featuring information relating to family, children, and business party planning and events; On-line journals, namely, blogs featuring information relating to corporate events, family events, birthdays, holiday celebrations, life and milestone celebrations, school events and fundraisers, festivals, award shows, conferences, and sporting events; Party planning; Providing a website featuring entertainment information; Arranging and conducting special events for social entertainment purposes; Consultation in the field of special event planning for social entertainment purposes; Dance events; Entertainment services in the nature of arranging social entertainment events; Entertainment services in the nature of hosting social entertainment events; Entertainment services in the nature of organizing social entertainment events; Organization of social entertainment events; Organizing cultural and arts events; Party planning of birthdays, festivals, award shows, anniversary parties, milestone achievement parties, athletic event parties; Party planning of anniversary parties; Party planning of family parties; Party planning of family parties that include games, prizes, and music; Special event planning for social entertainment purposes The mark consists of a stylized design of a first energy cloud behind an additional energy cloud to convey the impression of energy bursting from energy with the words JUST ENERGY ENTERTAINMENT overlaid on top thereof with a dog, music notes, a smiling face, an airplane, bubbles, and an x surrounding the clouds. The color(s) blue, pink, white, black is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.. The correspondent is JUSTIN JOHANSON of RLAS.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97483218. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Just ENERGY Entertainment LLC

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