ISOSISM – US Trademark 79150161 of Soletanche Freyssinet

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ISOSISM (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 79150161) is a United States trademark of Soletanche Freyssinet. The goods and services include: Apparatus and instruments for use in seismic exploration, seismic protection and related diagnostics and monitoring, namely, seismographs, seismometers, seismic detectors, seismic exploration machines and apparatus, seismic vibrators, geophones, hydrophones, electrical transducers, electromagnetic transducers, pressure transducers that convert hydraulic, pneumatic, seismic and earth pressure into analog electrical signals, electrical components in the nature of analogue filters, signal converters, temperature indicators, ultrasound machines in the nature of ultrasound inspection devices for non-medical, non-destructive testing, flow meters, manometers, pressure gauges, diaphragm pressure gauges, magnetometers, analogue to digital converters, radio transmitters, altimeters; computer software and computer programmes for use in database management, electronic storage of data and word-processing in the field of building construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in the recording, storing and reproduction of seismic data in the field of building construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in the processing of data relating to seismic activity in the field of building construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in connecting computers or computer networks for use in the field of building construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in the operation of equipment used to monitor, record and explore seismic activity in the field of building construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in creating models to analyze seismic activity in the field of building construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in information modelling in the field of construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in storing and processing data relating to buildings and civil and architectural works in the field of building construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional models of buildings and civil and architectural works in the field of building construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in designing buildings and civil and architectural works in the field of building construction, civil engineering and architectural design; computer software and computer programmes for use in database management, operating systems, electronic storage of data and word-processing in the field of seismic exploration, seismic protection and related diagnostics and monitoring; computer software and computer programmes for use in the recording, storing and reproduction of seismic data in the field of seismic exploration, seismic protection and related diagnostics and monitoring; computer software and computer programmes for use in the processing of data relating to seismic activity in the field of seismic exploration, seismic protection and related diagnostics and monitoring; computer software and computer programmes for use in connecting to computers or computer networks for use in the field of seismic exploration, seismic protection and related diagnostics and monitoring; computer software and computer programmes for use in the operation of equipment used to monitor and record seismic activity in the field of seismic exploration, seismic protection and related diagnostics; computer software and computer programmes for use in creating models to analyze seismic activity in the field of seismic exploration, seismic protection and related diagnostics; computer software and computer programmes for use in information modelling in the field of seismic exploration, seismic protection and related diagnostics and monitoring; computer software for use in capturing, collating and processing seismic data In the heading, Int. Cls. 20 and 22, should be inserted. In the statement, Page 2, line 49, “, CABLES, HINGES” should be deleted. In the statement, Page 3, after line 18, “NON-METALLIC BUILDING MATERIALS IN THE NATURE OF HINGES, IN CLASS 20” and “NON-METALLIC BUILDING MATERIALS IN THE NATURE OF CABLES, IN CLASS 22” should be inserted. In the statement, Page 3, line 33, after “TION;” “SUPERVISION RELATING TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION;” should be inserted. In the statement, Page 3, line 45, “SUPERVISION” should be deleted. Non-metal building materials for use in the seismic reinforcement of building structures, underground structures, architectural structures, tunnels and walls; non-metallic rigid pipes for building; non-metallic transportable buildings; pre-fabricated architectural columns and posts not of metal; non-metallic building materials in the nature of bearings, buttresses; [, cables, hinges; ] non-metallic building materials in the nature of seismic isolation bearings used in construction for protection of structures against damage by earthquakes; non-metallic building materials in the nature of mesh for use in the reinforcement of building structures, underground structures, tunnels and walls; non-metallic building materials in the nature of fibres for use in the reinforcement of building structures, underground structures, tunnels and walls; non-metallic building materials in the nature of cement slabs, concrete slabs, paving slabs, epoxy resin-based slabs manufactured using crushed recycled rock and glass and stone slabs for use in the reinforcement of building structures, underground structures, tunnels and walls; non-metallic building materials in the nature of wall and beam connection nodes for use in the reinforcement of building structures, underground structures, tunnels and walls; non-metallic building materials in the nature of connectors for use in the reinforcement of building structures, underground structures, architectural structures, tunnels and walls; non-metallic building materials for use in the reinforcement of building structures, underground structures, tunnels and walls; non-metallic building materials in the nature of joints for use in the reinforcement of building structures, underground structures, architectural structures, tunnels and walls; non-metallic expansion joints for floors and walls; non-metallic anti-seismic construction materials for use in the seismic reinforcement of building structures, underground structures, tunnels and walls. The correspondent is Anna L. King of Banner & Witcoff, Ltd..

This trademark was filed on October 24, 2013 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 79150161. The trademark application was registered on December 15, 2015 as U.S. Trademark Registration 4868737.

Trademark PTO Status History

July 01, 2022 – CANCELLED SECTION 71







December 15, 2020 – COURTESY REMINDER – SEC. 71 (6-YR) E-MAILED

View full trademark status information at USPTO

Ownership History

Soletanche Freyssinet

Soletanche Freyssinet

Soletanche Freyssinet

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