INFORARIN – US Trademark 97482651 of Tianmen Xingshida Trading Co., Ltd.

Trademark image

INFORARIN (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97482651) is a United States trademark of Tianmen Xingshida Trading Co., Ltd.. The goods and services include: Auto accessories, namely, side mirror protective and vanity covers; Automotive interior trim; Automotive windshield shade screens; Bags adapted for pushchairs; Bicycle-mounted pet seat; Bicycle water bottle cages; Fitted footmuffs for pushchairs; Front and rear bicycle rack packs; Head-rests for vehicle seats; Insignia for vehicles; License plate fasteners; Safety seats for children for motor cars; Steering wheel covers for automobiles; Upholstery for vehicles; Valve stems for vehicle tires The wording Inforarin has no meaning in a foreign language. . The correspondent is JING WANG of KINGSWOOD LAW.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97482651. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Tianmen Xingshida Trading Co., Ltd.

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