GHOST BREWING COMPANY – US Trademark 90602488 of Ghost Brewing Company LLC

Trademark image

GHOST BREWING COMPANY (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 90602488) is a United States trademark of Ghost Brewing Company LLC. The goods and services include: The mark consists of the word “GHOST” in all capital letters in stylized text. The text is arced slightly upward and positioned in the center top of the mark. The text is styled with additional lines slightly offset to the letters in order to display 3-dimensional depth. There is additional text below the word “GHOST” that read the words “BREWING COMPANY” in the same stylized text as “GHOST”. “BREWING COMPANY” is arced slightly upward as well. “BREWING COMPANY” is shown as smaller text than “GHOST”. In the center of the mark there is a spade shape outlined with a thin line and then a thicker line inside of the shape. Inside the spade is a circle. The circle is located toward the upper center part of the spade. The circle has a border that has smaller circles around its circumfrence. Inside the circle is a sketch of a person’s right eye. The eye is open and includes eyelashes on the upper and lower borders. The outside of the eye has close lines to show the shadow created by the eyelids. Below the circle containing the eye is branching leaves that end in 3 hops off the bottom. The branching leaves touch the bottom of the circle’s border. The branching leaves also stretch outward to the left and right where they end in curling shapes. The branching leaves also contain lines that are placed to show shadows. The hops hanging from these leaves are positioned so that the largest is in the middle and hanging slightly to the right. The middle hop also overlaps the other two hops. The right most hop is at about a 45-degree angle pointing to the bottom right. The left hop is about the same size as the one on the right. The left hop is angled left but is pointing more downward than the right hop. The hops are drawn with their individual leaves. The middle hop shows 12 full leaves. The right hop shows 15 leaves. The left hop shows 10 leaves. Inside the rest of the spade is 3 sets of branching leaves that are similar to the ones that connect to the hops. These branching leaves are larger than the ones that are connected to the hops. There are 2 identical set of branching leaves to the left and right of the circle/hops. These are shown in swirling designs and are mirrored to its identical counterpart. The third set of branching leaves is above the circle. This set of leaves appears to stretch to the left and then downward. The end of the branch is a swirl that curls toward the center of the leaves. To the left and right of the spade is grain branches. There is one branch on each side of the spade that splits into two stalks that resemble wheat. The grain branches start at the bottom of the spade and stretch out away from the center of the spade and curl upward along the side of the spade. The inner most branches on either side are partially covered by the spade. To the left of the spade, above the grains and below the text “GHOST BREWING COMPANY” is a sun. The sun contains contours within the circle that resemble a face. Around the sun are flames that are made of curved triangles with lines running through their centers. There are additional curved lines found in between the curved triangles. There are 25 triangles in total. There are straight lines coming out from the flames that show the sun’s rays. These lines vary in length and the outer points of the lines form a circle when viewed together. There are 60 lines in total. To the right of the spade, above the grains, and below the text “GHOST BREWING COMPANY” is a moon. The moon is a crescent moon with the concave on the side the spade. The moon has contours that resemble the profile of a face. Around the moon are stars that are comprised of four lines. These four lines are two sets of perpendicular lines that overlap at their intersecting points. This creates a star that resembles a cross with an overlapping X. There are 19 stars total. 8 are found within the concave of the moon and 11 are found outside. The stars are in varying sizes and are irregularly drawn. Shirts Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.. The correspondent is GHOST BREWING COMPANY LLC of ********.

This trademark was filed on March 25, 2021 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 90602488. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History



November 08, 2021 – NON-FINAL ACTION E-MAILED

November 08, 2021 – NON-FINAL ACTION WRITTEN

November 02, 2021 – ASSIGNED TO EXAMINER




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Ownership History

Ghost Brewing Company LLC

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