DAWNJIO – US Trademark 97484465 of DAWNJIO

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DAWNJIO (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484465) is a United States trademark of DAWNJIO. The goods and services include: The mark consists of stylized wording DAWNJIO where the letter “o” consists of a lined half circle where the bottom of the circle is consisted of three bars. Adapter plugs; Cases adapted for computers; Cases adapted for mobile phones; Cases for mobile phones; Cases for smartphones; Chargers for electric batteries; Chargers for smartphones; Covers for computer keyboards; Covers for smartphones; Covers for tablet computers; Mouse pads; Protective films adapted for smartphone lenses; Protective films adapted for smartphones; USB card readers; USB chargers adapted for car cigarette lighter sockets; USB charging ports; Battery charge devices; Blank USB cards; Cell phone cases; Cell phone battery chargers; Computer cables; Computer cases; Computer card adapter; DVD cases; Electric adapter cables; Eyewear cases; Micro USB cables; Plug adaptors; Protective covers and cases for cell phones; Protective covers and cases for cell phones, laptops and portable media players; Protective covers and cases for laptops; Protective films adapted for computer screens; USB cables; USB cables for cellphones; Wireless charging mouse pads . The correspondent is YOHAN LEE of LAW OFFICES OF YOHAN LEE.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484465. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

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