Category: Trademark Report

Navigating the complex world of IP law

FLORIDA VIRTUAL SCHOOL FOUNDATION – US Trademark 97483632 of Florida Virtual School

FLORIDA VIRTUAL SCHOOL FOUNDATION (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483632) is a United States trademark of Florida Virtual School. The goods and services include: Educational services, namely, providing online courses of instruction at the pre-kindergarten through 20 levels and distributing course material in connection therewith; Educational services, namely, conducting distance learning instruction at the pre-kindergarten through…
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JOURNEY LEAGUE – US Trademark 97483633 of Spirit League of North Carolina

JOURNEY LEAGUE (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483633) is a United States trademark of Spirit League of North Carolina. The goods and services include: Educational and entertainment services for children, namely, providing interactive play areas, instructional classes in the field of basketball and social gatherings for children . The correspondent is DAVID D. KALISH of COATS…
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CLEAN IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT! – US Trademark 97483634 of MDM Wound Ventures Inc

CLEAN IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT! (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483634) is a United States trademark of MDM Wound Ventures Inc. The goods and services include: Wound irrigation apparatus . The correspondent is RAVI P. VARMA of LEGALZOOM LEGAL SERVICES. This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number…
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ADHD/AUTISM DIETARY PANEL – US Trademark 97483624 of AlphaCor DX Inc

ADHD/AUTISM DIETARY PANEL (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483624) is a United States trademark of AlphaCor DX Inc. The goods and services include: The ADHD/Autism Dietary Test Panel is a direct to consumer home diagnostic test to determine food sensitivity, environmental pollutants and organic acids in children suffering from ADHD or Autism . The correspondent is…
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VERY DAIRY – US Trademark 97483625 of Perfect Day, Inc.

VERY DAIRY (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483625) is a United States trademark of Perfect Day, Inc.. The goods and services include: The mark consists of a stylized heart shape having a deep vee and uneven lobes, and the stacked, slightly arched, and stylized words “VERY DAIRY” positioned below the heart shape, wherein the “V” of…
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