Category: Patent Prosecution

Navigating the complex world of IP law

Fast Tracking An Application In The U.S. Patent And Trademark Office (2 of 4) – Accelerated Examination

This is the second article of a four part series on fast tracking prosecution through the US Patent Office, focusing on the Accelerated Examination program, you can find part one on Track One prosecution here. Accelerated Examination requires filing a petition (similar to Track One), and applicants can also typically receive a final disposition within one…
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Fast tracking an application in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (1 of 4) – Track One Examination

There are a variety of options for applicants to accelerate their patent application at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.  This is the first in a series of four posts examining how to speed up the examination of a patent application; each post is directed towards a different option at the USPTO. This post is focused…
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