C.WASH – US Trademark 79316087 of cytena GmbH

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C.WASH (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 79316087) is a United States trademark of cytena GmbH. The goods and services include: apparatus and instruments for science and research, namely centrifugal apparatus and instruments for scientific, laboratory or medical research; apparatus and instruments for scientific research and for laboratories for dispensing liquids, namely pipetting and liquid sampling devices, liquid dispensers, motorised syringe dilutors, pumps and liquid dosing devices for scientific, laboratory or medical research; laboratory centrifuges; laboratory robots; centrifugal laboratory instruments for cleaning and/or washing laboratory apparatus; centrifugal laboratory instruments for cleaning and/or washing cell culture apparatus, especially cell culture dishes, cell culture chambers, cell culture bottles, plates having multi-well arrays that can be used in chemical analysis, biological analysis or patterning for scientific, laboratory or medical research, cell culture trays, cell culture plates, cell culture flasks and/or multi-well plates; laboratory centrifugal instruments for adding to and/or removing liquids from laboratory apparatus; laboratory centrifugal instruments for adding to and/or removing liquids from cell culture apparatus, especially cell culture dishes, cell culture chambers, cell culture bottles, plates having multi-well arrays that can be used in chemical analysis, biological analysis or patterning for scientific, laboratory or medical research, cell culture trays, cell culture plates, cell culture flasks and/or multi-well plates; plates having multi-well arrays that can be used in chemical analysis, biological analysis or patterning for scientific, laboratory or medical research; laboratory instruments for adding to and/or removing liquids from laboratory apparatus, cell culture apparatus and/or multi-well plates, namely pipetting and liquid sampling devices, liquid dispensers, motorised syringe dilutors, pumps and liquid dosing devices; multi-well plates for scientific, laboratory or medical research; cell culture apparatus, in particular cell culture dishes, cell culture chambers, cell culture bottles, plates having multi-well arrays that can be used in chemical analysis, biological analysis or patterning for scientific, laboratory or medical research, cell culture trays, cell culture plates, cell culture flasks and/or multi-well plates, for scientific, laboratory or medical research; recorded and downloadable computer software for operating cleaning and/or washing machines, in particular centrifugal machines, for cleaning and/or washing laboratory apparatus, especially for cleaning and/or washing laboratory plasticware; recorded and downloadable computer software for operating machines, in particular centrifugal machines, for adding to and/or removing liquids from laboratory apparatus, in particular multi-well plates; recorded and downloadable computer software for operating instruments for scientific research and for laboratories, in particular for operating instruments for scientific research and for laboratories for dispensing liquids; recorded and downloadable computer software for operating laboratory centrifuges; recorded and downloadable computer software for operating laboratory robots; recorded and downloadable computer software for operating laboratory instruments, in particular centrifugal laboratory instruments, for cleaning and/or washing laboratory apparatus, in particular for cleaning and/or washing laboratory plasticware; recorded and downloadable computer software for operating laboratory instruments, in particular centrifugal laboratory instruments, for adding to and/or removing liquids from laboratory apparatus, in particular multi-well plates; recorded and downloadable computer software for operating instruments for scientific research and for laboratories for adding to and/or removing liquids from laboratory apparatus, in particular multi-well plates; computers and computer peripheral devices being loaded with any of the aforesaid computer software; component parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class Centrifugal machines for cleaning and/or washing laboratory apparatus; centrifugal machines for cleaning and/or washing cell culture apparatus, in particular for cleaning and/or washing cell culture dishes, cell culture chambers, cell culture bottles, plates having multi-well arrays that can be used in chemical analysis, biological analysis or patterning for scientific, laboratory or medical research, cell culture trays, cell culture plates, cell culture flasks and/or multi-well plates; centrifugal machines for cleaning and/or washing laboratory plasticware; centrifugal machines for cleaning and/or washing multi-well plates; centrifugal machines for adding to and/or removing liquids from laboratory apparatus; centrifugal machines for adding to and/or removing liquids from cell culture apparatus, in particular cell culture dishes, cell culture chambers, cell culture bottles, plates having multi-well arrays that can be used in chemical analysis, biological analysis or patterning for scientific, laboratory or medical research, cell culture trays, cell culture plates, cell culture flasks and/or multi-well plates; centrifugal machines for adding to and/or removing liquids from laboratory plasticware; centrifugal machines for adding to and/or removing liquids from multi-well plates; machines for adding to and/or removing liquids from laboratory apparatus, cell culture apparatus, laboratory plasticware and/or multi-well plates, namely pipetting and liquid sampling devices, liquid dispensers, motorized syringe dilutors, pumps and liquid dosing devices; component parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class Cleaning preparations; cleaning preparations for use in a laboratory environment; cleaning preparations for cleaning laboratory instruments and apparatus; cleaning preparations for cleaning cell culture apparatus, in particular for cleaning cell culture dishes, cell culture chambers, cell culture bottles, plates having multi-well arrays that can be used in chemical analysis, biological analysis or patterning for scientific, laboratory or medical research, cell culture trays, cell culture plates, cell culture flasks and/or multi-well plates; preparations for cleaning laboratory plasticware; preparations for cleaning multi-well plates; preparations for cleaning laboratory centrifuges. The correspondent is Christopher Frerking of ********.

This trademark was filed on April 09, 2021 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 79316087. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History




January 23, 2022 – REFUSAL PROCESSED BY IB




December 07, 2021 – NON-FINAL ACTION WRITTEN

View full trademark status information at USPTO

Ownership History

cytena GmbH

View documents on file at USPTO

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