BLUFLEX – US Trademark 97484489 of KOMET Deutschland GmbH

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BLUFLEX (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484489) is a United States trademark of KOMET Deutschland GmbH. The goods and services include: Electronic controls for mechanically-operated tools, namely, adjusting gauges with and without electric/electronic components for adjusting and aligning mechanically operated tools; electronic receivers and electronic recorders for machine tool control signals; electric sensors and electric/electronic tool measuring instruments for use in and for mechanically-operated tools for the measurement data for adjusting, aligning, controlling, handling and operating machine tools for the treatment of metal work pieces; fixed or mobile, cable and/or wireless apparatus for the transmission of data of mechanically-operated tools, namely, rotators and controllers; computer programs recorded on data carriers, namely, computer programs for the handling, operating and adjustment of mechanically operated tools; computer hardware and computer display screens for reading data carriers for use in and for mechanically-operated tools Mechanically-operated tools, namely, machine tools for the treatment of metal work pieces; powered mechanical cutting tools for the treatment of metal work pieces with integrated or removable cutters of hard cutting materials, namely, drilling tools, boring and reboring tools, superfinish turning tools, manually and mechanically-adjustable metal working machine tools, namely, mechanically-operated tools for the treatment of metal work pieces; mechanically-operated tools, namely, couplings for machine tools in the nature of tool holding fixtures and adapters, namely, modular mounted tools with couplings, being points of intersection and separation for the mechanical coupling of tools with machine tool spindles, tools and parts of tools; tools for machine tools, namely, clamps, hollow clamps and machine tool holders for use with machine tools for the treatment of metalwork pieces; machine tool spindles; adjusting machines for adjusting and aligning mechanically-operated tools; all the aforesaid goods with electric/electronic components . The correspondent is M. SCOTT ALPRIN of ALPRIN LAW OFFICES, P.C..

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484489. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

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Ownership History

KOMET Deutschland GmbH

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