BIA INTERNATIONAL – US Trademark 85077270 of B.I.A. Cordon Bleu, Inc.

Trademark image

BIA INTERNATIONAL (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 85077270) is a United States trademark of B.I.A. Cordon Bleu, Inc.. The goods and services include: The mark consists of an oval containing the words “BIA INTERNATIONAL”, circles and a fleur-de-lis design. Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark. Culinary and cooking [ tools and utensils for kitchen, pantry, bar and table use, namely, colanders for household use, cookery molds, ] cookware, namely, casseroles, Dutch ovens; tagines, namely, cooking pots with an earthenware lid and earthenware base; [ baking utensils in the nature of spatulas, serving spoons, mixing spoons, scoops; ] bakeware, namely, baking molds, baking casseroles dishes, pie serving plates; [ beverageware and beverage servers, namely, beverage glassware, stemware, drinking glasses, goblets, cups, jugs, mugs, decanters, ] pitchers, [ flasks, carafes; ] serving utensils, namely, platters, trays not of precious metal, serving bowls, salad bowls, serving dishes, soup tureens, terrines, quiche dishes, soufflé dishes, brulee dishes, ceramic ramekins, gravy boats, jam jars, non-electric juice pressers, custard cups, butter dishes, sugar bowls, creamer pitchers, gravy boats, serving ladles, serving spoons, serving forks, pie servers, cake servers, cake stands, pie plates, saucers, [ non-electric coffee pots and coffee servers not of precious metal, ] non-electric tea pots and tea servers not of precious metal, coffee services not of precious metal, tea services not of precious metal, [ cruets and cruet stands not of precious metal, ] olive oil bottles sold empty, vinegar bottles sold empty, trivets, [ vases, ] salt and pepper bowls, and salt and pepper shakers, [ cheese shakers, cheese servers, ] egg holders, deviled egg plates, artichoke plates, escargot dishes, fondue plates, oyster plates, corn dishes, popcorn bowls, pasta bowls, [ insulated containers for keeping tortillas warm, ] salsa bowls, chili bowls, chip and dip platters; condiment holders in the nature of bowls, trays and earthenware jars; canisters and household containers for food and beverages; dinnerware, namely, dishes, bowls, cups, saucers, mugs, egg cups; table ornaments made of china, porcelain, ceramic, and glass; and accessories, namely, charger plates, napkin rings not of precious metal, [ candle holders and candle sticks not of precious metal, ] menu card holders, knife rests, spoon rests, plastic coasters, wood coasters, cork coasters, earthenware coasters, [ epergnes, ] flower pots. The correspondent is Paul A. McLean, Esq. of Greenberg Traurig LLP.

This trademark was filed on July 02, 2010 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 85077270. The trademark application was registered on July 03, 2012 as U.S. Trademark Registration 4168480.

Trademark PTO Status History

July 01, 2022 – TEAS SECTION 8 & 9 RECEIVED

July 03, 2021 – COURTESY REMINDER – SEC. 8 (10-YR)/SEC. 9 E-MAILED

July 10, 2018 – NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF SEC. 8 & 15 – E-MAILED

July 10, 2018 – REGISTERED – SEC. 8 (6-YR) ACCEPTED & SEC. 15 ACK.


June 26, 2018 – TEAS SECTION 8 & 15 RECEIVED

July 03, 2017 – COURTESY REMINDER – SEC. 8 (6-YR) E-MAILED


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Ownership History

B.I.A. Cordon Bleu, Inc.

B.I.A. Cordon Bleu, Inc.

B.I.A. Cordon Bleu, Inc.

View documents on file at USPTO

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