BEHGC – US Trademark 97484235 of JenniferJean Baptiste PA

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BEHGC (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484235) is a United States trademark of JenniferJean Baptiste PA. The goods and services include: The mark consists of BeHGC. Tops as clothing; Bottoms as clothing; Headwear; Footwear; Undergarments; Headbands; Scrub tops and pants not for surgical purposes Abaya, anorak, apparel, apron, ascot, tie, attire, balaclava, ball gown, bandanna, baseball cap, bathing suit, battledress, beanie, bedclothes, bell-bottoms, belt, beret, Bermuda, shorts, bib, bikini, blazer, bloomers, blouse, boa, bonnet, boot, bow tie, boxer, shorts, boxers bra bracelet brassiere breeches briefs buckle button button-down shirt caftan camisole, camouflage, cap, cap and gown, cape, capris, cardigan, chemise, cloak, clogs, clothes, clothing, coat, collar, corset, costume, coveralls, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, cravat, crown, cuff links, culottes, cummerbund, dashiki, diaper, dinner jacket, dirndl, drawers, dress, dress shirt, duds, dungarees, earmuffs, earrings elastic, evening gown, fashion, fatigues, fedora, fez, flak jacket, flannel nightgown, flannel shirt, flip-flops, formal wear, frock, fur, fur coat, Gabardine, Gaiters, Galoshes, Garb, Garment, Garters, Gear, Getup, Gilet, Girdle, Glasses, Gloves, Gown, halter top, handbag, handkerchief, hat, Hawaiian shirt, hazmat suit, headscarf, helmet, hem, high heels, hoodie, hook and eye, hose, hosiery, hospital gown, houndstooth, housecoat, Jacket, Jeans, Jersey, Jewelry, Jodhpurs, Jumper, Jumpsuit, kerchief khakis, kilt, kimono, kit, knickers, lab coat, lapel, leather jacket, leg warmers, leggings, leotard, life jacket, Lingerie, Loafers, Loincloth, long johns, long underwear, miniskirt, mittens, moccasins, muffler, muumuu, neckerchief, necklace, nightgown, nightshirt, onesies, outerwear, outfit, overalls, overcoat, overshirt, Pajamas, panama hat, pants, pantsuit, pantyhose, parka, pea coat, peplum, petticoat, pinafore, pleat, pocket, pocketbook, polo shirt, poncho, poodle skirt, pork pie hat, pullover, pumps, purse, raincoat, ring, robe, rugby shirt, sandals, sari, sarong, scarf, school uniform, scrubs, shawl, sheath dress, shift, shirt, shoe, shorts, shoulder pads, shrug, singlet, skirt, slacks, slip, slippers, smock, snaps, sneakers, sock, sombrero, spacesuit, Stetson hat, Stockings, Stole, Suit, sun hat, sunbonnet, sundress, sunglasses, suspenders, sweater, sweatpants, sweatshirt, sweatsuit, swimsuit, T-shirt, Tam, tank top, teddy, threads, tiara, tie, tie clip, tights, toga, togs, top, top coat, top hat, train, trench coat, trousers, trunks, tube top, tunic, turban, turtleneck, turtleneck shirt, tutu, tux, tuxedo, tweed jacket, twill, twin set, Umbrella, Underclothes, Undershirt, Underwear, Uniform, Veil, Velcro, Vest, Vestments, Visor, Waders, Waistcoat, Wear, wedding gown, Wellingtons, Wetsuit, white tie, wig, windbreaker, woolens, wrap, yoke, zipper, zoris . The correspondent is JENNIFERJEAN BAPTISTE PA of ********.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484235. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

JenniferJean Baptiste PA

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