AMERICAN ELEVATOR – US Trademark 97483327 of Cibes Lift Group AB

Trademark image

AMERICAN ELEVATOR (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97483327) is a United States trademark of Cibes Lift Group AB. The goods and services include: The mark consists of a design of shaded triangles with 3 shaded triangles on the left and 1 large shaded triangle on the right with the words AMERICAN ELEVATOR below the design. Security apparatus for elevators, namely, electronic locks; safety, security, protection and signaling devices, namely, electronic locks for lifts, electric door locks, sound alarms, safety devices for lifts, namely, emergency lights and electronic door alarms, overspeed detectors; electrical control boards for operating, monitoring the power, movement and function of elevator lifts, platform lifts, cabin lifts and platform lifts Elevators; elevator doors; machines for hoisting; elevator motors; movable elevator conveyors; drives for elevators; electric drives for elevators; hydraulic actuators; linear actuators; hydraulic door openers and closers; pneumatic door openers and closers; lifting apparatus and devices, namely, elevators, platform lifts, platform lifts with enclosures for lifts, cabin lifts, and stair lifts; elevators and parts thereof, namely, electric door openers and closers, elevator belts, elevator shaft panels, elevator doors, elevator motors, elevator chains being parts of machines, cables for lifts, cable trunks for lifts, rail guides, guide profiles, and power-operated lifting screw jacks. The correspondent is DONNA J. BUNTON of NIXON & VANDERHYE P.C..

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97483327. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Cibes Lift Group AB

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