0 – US Trademark 97484438 of Risc0, Inc.

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0 (U.S. Trademark Serial Number 97484438) is a United States trademark of Risc0, Inc.. The goods and services include: The mark consists of a “0” (zero) number crossed out by the diagonal side of a trapezium shape which incorporates one half of the crossed “0”. Downloadable software to validate a zero-knowledge computation environment; downloadable software for performing validation and authentication of data using zero-knowledge proof protocols for computer execution traces on a decentralized blockchain; downloadable software for the creation, mining, minting, storage, management, and authentication of cryptocurrencies, digital wallets, digital assets, digital tokens, utility tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), digital collectibles, crypto-collectibles and digital currencies using zero-knowledge proof protocols; downloadable software for the creation and distribution of decentralized authentication and validation tools based on zero-knowledge proof protocols; downloadable software for the provision of user and credentials identification and authentication based on zero-knowledge proof protocols . The correspondent is JOHN J. MURPHY of HAN SANTOS PLLC.

This trademark was filed on June 30, 2022 as United States Trademark Application Serial Number 97484438. This trademark application is still pending and does not yet have a registration number.

Trademark PTO Status History


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Ownership History

Risc0, Inc.

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